بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Ok malam ni aku rasa aku nk ubah style penulisan aku. Hmm mungkin sebelum2 nih post aku terlalu overdose or toOo hardcore for those who are quite geek, but this time i'm gonna let myself free!! (but cautions guys, aku masih mengekalkan ciri2 keaslian Bahasa Melayu dengan tidak menggunakan gaya penulisan SMS)
Mula2 aku terfikir, nak jadi bakal doktor ni kena la ada macam2 aset, gaya cakap kena la nampak berkaliber, kot sentiasa tersarung di badan, rambut disisip kemas leper ke kanan, kasut berkilat kiwi tonyoh2 jemur 3 hari 3 malam tak puas hati sebab tak kilat2 jugak, baju tak pernah miss 'tuck in', tali leher berwarna merah menjadi penyeri hari yang cukup terik.
But you know what? I hate those stuff. It seems not like me. I have my own style. My own attitude. But in certain condition, I have to. And well it nicely fits me. Entahlah, kadang2 aku terfikir, umur aku pon dah mencapai 18, rasa macam muda lagi and of course orang nampak kita as a 'teenager' or muda mudi. Tapi aku rasa perangai aku still macam budak2 sekolah lagi. Kenapa ek? Korang nak suruh aku menjadi lebih matang?? Ok boleh..no hal..but deep in my heart once again I hate it. Aku rasa kekok.
Hmm..aku teringat lagi kata2 seorang motivator ni, "Manusia ni bila dah makin dewasa, makin susah nak ekspresikan perasaan mereka, unlike the kid, they cry when they sad, they jump when they happy and they roar when they want and desperate for something."
Betul jugak en? Patutlah kita cepat tua.. and tak mustahil aku katakan there is certain people
who don't actually know how to appreciate somebody bacause of those reason. Why? They actually want to show how mature they are, but for me they are nothing. Pernah tak korang lepas dapat result yang sangat cemerlang lets say 12A, after you find out how lucky you are, you say alhamdulillah and then you jump and loudly yell "Yeaha I did it!!"
"U did it Amir!I know from the beginning you can do it!", I spoke to myself.
Have you ever try this?I bet you don't. See...how much have you appreciate yourself? Did you don't do it because you wanna show me some maturity? Nonetheless you are nothing for me.
Korang nak taw style aku? Aku bukan kaki belajar tapi aku tahu bila nak kena belajar. Aku bukan budak surau but I know when is the time for me to be the slave of the Almighty. Aku bukan budak yang cerewet dengan pemakaian but I know how to choose my attire. "You are cool man," my friends said that. And aku bukan skema but it doesn't show that I hate rules and regulation. Setiap peraturan membuatkan diri anda lebih mudah dan teratur.
I love my spiky style hair. I love my casual shirt. I love my two-rounded flipping white Bumps belt. I love my GA Blue cutting style jeans. I love my snikers. I love my Casio digital-analog watch. And I love my RBK stylo spectacles. So I just advice you all people do not ever and ever judge a book by it's cover. And no one ever complained me 'bout that.
There's one time, I try to change myself. Try to act mature. I stop all the chit-chat with my friends. Be a bookworm 24 hours. Doesn't mix with the people around. Try to build a hard-steel
wall towards girls. And you know, one of my friend come nearby my ear and loudly says..
"That's sucks man!"
"Amir kau tak payah jadi hipokrit boleh tak?" "
"Kau ni kenapa?Buang tebiat keh?"
It really turned me down and dumped me. Yurp I felt very sad in that way. So I changed myself back. And after that I realized that you should be yourself. Everyone has their own credibility. And so were I. I'm very proud to be myself. Maybe you are laughing at me because I am a different, but I will laugh to all of you because you are all the same. Hahahaha =)
Believe me? You better.. (^_~)
those incident happened a long long long time ago~dun get me wrong..=)
pe hal ko komen diri sendiri nih?
pakai la pe ko nak pakai, cakap la pe ko nak cakap..
yg penting jgn lggr syariat=)
sbb kita hmba Allah setiap masa...
hal matang ke tak, asal tak bwk fitnah kpd diri.. buat la.. ^_^
pepehal pun ak hrp terik mesir mampu membakar lemak2 ko tuh.. haha..
i simply cudn't imagine u being a nerd-looking "teen"..
sejk ble org pggl ko cool....
weyh ak nerd kot.*wink2* oi pipi ko jeles kah?haha wan skung ni da nk masok musim sjuk,so jgn salahkn ak kalau ak still...
i hope u all can get wuts bhind my story, the moral of it. n actually its quite irony for all of us..
luv this...
hm,mne nak carik durian r kat tanah bertuah kte nh?????
(jangan salahkan saya..itu ekspresi kematangan..haha)
ak 'tanak' slhkn ko!mtg tam sumer kwn2 ak
hoho.gle ah.juz be urself dear.jgn telampau ikotkn kte org.ari2 cqa g ospital n nmpk sorg doc ni mmg cool abes r.skali pndg mmg nmpk mcm bkn doc r.hehe.wutever it is,i juz love the way u are oke.maybe kt sne ko da x ley tgk catdog,fairly odd parents n sp0ngebob kot dats y ko jd lbey matured da.hehe.ok yang,tke care always.muah
salam ziarah...
balik jangan lupe contact2..
bes la entry ko ni..
xley bla..huhuhu..
t8 care
wow,it's really hits me man..
ikin ;p
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