بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Sebagai memenuhi rutin bulanan, aku dan beberapa orang sahabatku atau lebih dijustifikasikan sebagai ahli baitku, akan menjejakkan kaki ke sebuah pasar raya membeli belah yg terbesar di afrika yakni City Star di Nasr City. Pada hari tersebut, hati aku girang kerana baru sahaja mendapatkan broadband. Walaupun duit sedikit melayang, namun apa yg mampu aku buat hanya memandang sebelah mata.
Dalam perjalanan pulang...(setelah ditranslate ke Bahasa Melayu)
A= Amir B= Pemandu teksi C= Sahabatku
A : "Teksi ya teksi! Perumahan Fustat?"
B : "Ya tentu sahaja."
A : "Berapa?"
B : "Awak letak berapa?"
A : "15 Genih mungkin?"
B : "Tidak. 25 genih."
A: "Tidak tidak tidak. Awak tak masuk akal. Kebiasaannya paling tinggi 20 Genih. Hampir setiap minggu kami ke sini."
C: "Amir, jom r blah. Cari teksi lain je larh." (Sambil melangkah pergi)
B : "Baiklah 23 genih."
A : "Tidak. Kalau begitu tak mengapalah. Terimah kasih."
B : "Baiklah 20 Genih. Masuklah."
*Setelah beberapa meter kereta melangkah. Pemandu teksi meminta izin untuk turun sebentar membeli secawan teh.
B : "Awak nak teh?"
A : "Owh tak mengapalah. Terima kasih."
B : "Are you Andonesi?"
C : "No. We're Malizi."
B : "Ahsan-Nas. What's your name?"
A : "Amir."
C : "Ahmad, and he is Muhammad." (refer to one of my other friend)
C : "And you?"
B : "Omar. You know Umar Al-Khattab? I really love him."
A : "Yes. He's such a brave and great man."
C : "Your English is quite good eh."
B : "I can speak Italian too, Greek, French and Hebrew. But very well in Italian. The rest of them just syuwaih-syuwaih."
A : "Hahaha."
B : "You all Muslim?"
C : "Insyaallah Alhamdulillah. Islam is very beautiful."
B : "Yes yes of course. In Malizia all Muslims?"
A: "Not all, but most of us. Malizia is an Islamic country. But we also got Masih (Kristian), Hindu and Buddha."
B : "Do you like Egypt?"
C : "Yes, of course. Egypt is very beautiful."
B : "But I don't like Egypt. Our government is very bad. Even I have to drive this taxi."
A : "Yes. You don't deserve this work. You can speak well in many language. Maybe you can work in Italian restaurant."
B : "But our country don't offer so much job to the people. That's why you can see there are so many taxi driver here."
C : "Sorry. Where are you graduated from?"
B : "I used to study in the art faculty. My wife is graduated from Ain-Shams University in the faculty of Arabic Literacy, now she is housewife."
A : "Do you want to visit Malizia someday?"
B : "Yes. I love to! Malizia women are very beautiful. I love Asian people."
C : "Hehe. Do you want to add some more? There are three quota left."
B : "Absolutely...if I can haha."
A : "But Egyptian women helwah (beautiful) too."
B : "You think so? But I don't."
********************We all laugh as the cab arrived at the destination.*********************
B : "It's ok. Free. I won't charge any single price."
C : "No no no. You must take this money."
A : "Yes. It's yours. Here take this. Syukran."
C : "Syukran. Maassalamah. Good to see you akhi."
B : "Afwan. Maassalamah. Bye bye!"
A : "Assalamualaikum."
B : "Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh."